RV-16 High Gain Permanently Mount GPS Antenna
RV-16 High Gain Marine GPS Antenna
The small size and ruggedness of this antenna is a prerequisites for an antenna in the high demand of vehicle locating and car navigation GPS antenna that will sustain harsh environment
** Universal connectors** AntiTheft & Double Lock
The antenna system RV-16 is an integration of a high performance GPS patch antenna and a low noise amplifier into state-of-the-art a very low profile/extremely compact/fully waterproof antenna signal enclosure. When connected to a GPS receiver with +5V DC antenna power it provide excellent signal amplification and out-band-rejection for that receiver.
GPS antenna with double threaded bolts and through holes for cable routing with course & fine threaded pitch locking for wing-nut fastener and lock-nut to prevent vibrations and un-authorize removal.
- Low noise figure / Fully weather proof
- Ultra-high Sensitivity / Compact construction
- Excellent temperature stability